Fire System Maintenance: 3 Tips for Keeping Your Home Safe

5 January 2023
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

When it comes to fire safety, there's no room for error. That is why it is essential that you make sure your fire system is always up to date and working properly. Here are three key tips for ensuring that your home is as safe as possible from fires. 1. Check the Batteries in Your Alarms Regularly The most important part of maintaining your fire alarm system is to regularly check the batteries in all the alarms throughout the building. Read More 

How to Make Your Rainwater Storage Tank Easier to Use

29 June 2021
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

You might want to live a more environmentally friendly life, and you could be worried about things like water conservation. If this is the case, then you might have decided that you want to start collecting rainwater, which can be a great idea. Of course, one of the first things that you should do if you are interested in rainwater collection and use is to purchase a rainwater storage tank to use. Read More 

Key Winter Rubbish Removal Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

13 November 2020
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Every homeowner desires to clean their home regularly to get rid of the rubbish. However, things may not work as planned since most people still have jobs, businesses, and families to take care of. Over time, your house may accumulate lots of junk, making the home appear unclean or disorganised. Winter is the best time to get rid of all that trash and the old stuff you don't use anymore so your house can be clean and junk-free before spring. Read More 

Understanding The Elements That Influence Solar Panel Effectiveness

25 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you are thinking of installing a solar system or you have just procured one, you'll be looking forward to saving on your utility bills. But installing solar panels is not enough. Some elements have an impact on the efficiency of your system and will determine the amount of solar power you get. To help you maximise your returns and savings, this post will outline the key factors that have an impact on the efficiency of your system. Read More 

Top Solutions for Addressing Sick Building Syndrome

27 June 2019
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Facility managers agree that poor indoor air quality has become a significant concern in the workplace, and this is all thanks to air pollution. Not only does the quality of air affect workers' health and wellness, but it also has a direct impact on performance and productivity. As a facility manager, therefore, it is vital to accord indoor air quality the necessary attention that it deserves to prevent sick building syndrome (SBS). Read More